Which camera is better to buy?
so this is my fifth attempt of doingthis video first time I did it wasn't particularly happy with it so we shot itsecond time was happy with it but then introduced the t-shirt and the greenscreen so redid it again then before I could finish that I scrapped the greenscreen so shot it again last week except after shooting that one I got my haircutand then went to edit it and realized that I'd missed an important piece outso couldn't exactly fill in the gaps so fifth time lucky now in this video I want to try andstart to answer a question that I get asked quite a lot doesn't matter whetherI'm a wedding or a commercial shoot somewhere that I'm paid to be or if I'mjust casually out and about taking photographs if I'm carrying around acamera like this then inherently people start to notice you and come over andchat they could be other photographers they could just be members of thegeneral public but you'll get people come over I want to talk to you aboutp...